All Domino children are supported in developing their potential at their own pace.

By the means of developmentally appropriate play activities and a high level of individual adult input, we offer a curriculum, which helps children make good progress towards the early learning goals of the foundation stage (age 2 to end of Reception class).

08.30am   Early Start session

For those who require an earlier start t the day, some children begin their time at Domino Pr-School from 8:30am. We do not provide breakfast so they will need to have been fed before they are dropped off. 

09.00am   Welcome to Domino

The doors open and all the families are greeted by the members of staff. Each child self registers by placing their name on the wall as they enter.

The morning session could be:

A) Free Flow- Planning in the Moment

The garden is opened for the children to move freely around the indoor and outdoor area. The members of staff are prepared to look for ways to support children’s development in each of the 7 areas according to EYFS by extending the child’s learning during self chosen play/activities.

B) Dance session 

C) Forest School session – possibly including a walk out to the nature reserve or park area across the road from the setting.  

10.00am   Rolling Snack

This is a time where we offer the children a variety of healthy snacks tailored to the dietary needs of the children. Water and milk is offered during this time however, water is available throughout the session.

Key Worker Sessions

If appropriate then the child’s key worker may plan some adult focused activities, which are tailored to the needs of the child. These sessions are individual or small group learning experiences that meet a specific target or next step for the children involved. They are not necessary for all children.

Circle Time

We plan short and interactive whole setting sessions. This may involve a range of different things but the children might for example; sing songs, tell stories and act them out or play games.

We support children to develop listening and attention skills. To build confident to speak to others and share their ideas and to listen to others.

12.00pm Lunch

Children can go home at 12:00pm or they can eat their lunch in the setting before going home at 1:00pm. Lunch is a packed lunch provided by parents. 

Afternoon session is Free Flow- Planning in the moment

The garden is opened for the children to move freely around the indoor and outdoor area. The members of staff are prepared to look for ways to support children’s development in each of the 7 areas according to EYFS by extending the child’s learning during self chosen play/activities.

3:00pm Home Time 

We ask parents and carers to, please, wait outside the Domino door at the beginning and at the end of each session until a member of staff opens the door. If the weather is bad, you are welcome to wait in the entrance hall.

Extended sessions

Domino Pre-School offers extended hours each day. We hold a bookable 2 hour session from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. 

Each day has a specific theme;

Monday- Construction Club

Tuesday– Music Club

Wednesday– Art Club

Thursday- is an additional Forest School Club

Friday– Reading Club

Where these hours fall outside of your child’s funded hours we will charge privately for these additional hours but subsidise the cost to parents with funding from the Wright’s Trust. The current price is only £6.50 for the two hours.