At Domino Nursery, we recognise the importance of healthy eating and how to get children interested in and practicing healthy eating habits.

At snack times we provide the children with varied and nutritious snacks that promote a balanced diet in accordance with current guidelines; the children are able to choose from a wide selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, such as carrots, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, bananas, apples, kiwi fruit and oranges, which are provided on a daily basis from the local greengrocer.  In addition, savoury items, such as bread, crackers and rice cakes, are also offered.

Young children enjoy being involved in the food preparation process which can also help encourage them to try different foods, and the children at Domino (usually the day’s Special Helper) are invited to help prepare the table for snack.  A selection of the food is placed on the table for the children to choose from and staff and children talk about the different food, thus widening their knowledge and interest.

Parents are asked to provide healthy and nutritious items and to avoid fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets.

Young children grow and develop quickly, so it is important that they get all the nutrients they need, in the correct amounts, from a well-balanced and varied diet.  

The following web site links offer advice and guidance on healthy eating, particularly with regard to the different food types and portions:

The British Nutrition Foundation – 5,5,3,2 Portion sizing advice

NHS – the Eatwell plate 

CBeebies – eating the right amount

First Steps Nutrition Trust