Domino Pre-school has an extensive number of policies and procedures in place including: (Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Child Protection, Partnership with Parents, Illness Procedure, Prevention of Infection, Additional Needs Policy and many more).  All of our policies and procedures can be viewed below. If you would like you can view hard copies of these policies in the setting or request copies from the Pre-school Management team. 

Policies and Procedures Documents

Below are a list of downloadable pdf documents used within Domino Nursery. If you require a pdf reader, then please download the Adobe Reader

*All our policy and procedure documents are reviewed and updated on a yearly basis. If you have any further queries, please contact a member of our management team. 


Parental Agreement

We strive to have positive relationships with your child and indeed the whole family. The policy and procedures outlined below will give you reassurance about the way that your child will be looked after whilst in the setting. 

There are also expectations and standards that we expect parents to adhere to in ensure a positive and respectful relationship with the setting. Here is a link to our Parental Code of Conduct we ask all parents to sign when their child starts at Domino Pre-School. 

Parental Code of Conduct


3.0 Staff Qualifications and Training

3.1 Induction of Employees and Volunteers

3.2 First Aid Policy

5.0 Staff:Child Ratios

5.1 Staffing